Wednesday, 23 November 2016

One Sunday morning, there was a BIG red pot with a creepy face located right in the center of a public park, the pot also had some weird designs all over. The pot had something creepy sticking up at the top, it looked like it was legs covered in blood. I was investigating the pot later that day, I was wondering who would’ve put that gigantic pot right in the park were all kids are? I thought it was just for decoration but it looked really scary and impropriate for kids. I wrote a letter to the city if they can take the pot away and they did.    


  1. Great story but I think you should have put a period in "right in the centre of the pot. The pot had some weird designs all over. But overall great story!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think this sentence I was investigating the pot later that day, I was wondering who would’ve put that gigantic pot right in the park were all kids are? should go like this I was investigating the pot later that day, I was wondering who would’ve put that gigantic pot right in the park where all the kids are? so I just added where and the before the kids
